Jake in the Degrassi 101s / Degrassi Goes Hollywood media extras

Screen captures of Jake in The-N's Degrassi 101 have been added to the gallery. I also snapped a few of him in the promo of Degrassi Goes Hollywood: On the Set. The "on the sets" are a bit different than the streaming web ones; they run as a 30 second commercial. I'm predicting there will be more as The-N continues to promote the movie.

You can watch The 101s on ACESonline 2. All full weekend captures are uploaded.
Weekend 1
Weekend 2
Weekend 3
Also be sure to catch Degrassi Goes Hollywood: On the Set.

It's very odd not seeing Ashley mentioned that often. I miss seeing Melissa around for these specials. At least we got a lot of Jake & Melissa presenting these specials in the past. See them host "Crash Course," "Countdown to Degrassi," appear in Pat's behind the scenes video, and much more here.

I'm sure we've all had some getting used to this video now. Jake Epstein performs Rescue You. It's a catchy tune sure...but where is Ashley?

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Posted on 06 Jul 2009 by Nicole
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