Video Clips Added
Video clips for all of the scenes related to Craig in When Doves Cry and Tears Are Not Enough have been added.
Posted on 26 Apr 2008 by Nicole
Season 4 Screen Caps Added
I finished off capping the rest of Season 4 for the gallery. Included are King of Pain, Mercy Street, Islands In The Stream, Back in Black, Bark at the Moon, Queen of Hearts, and Moonlight Desires. I also added some screen caps of the Goin' Down The Road deleted scene that's featured on the Jay and Silent Bob Do Degrassi DVD and some screen caps of the Season 4 DVD extras.

I also added a phone interview Jake did with way back.
Posted on 22 Apr 2008 by Nicole
Various Jake Epstein Screen Caps Added
All you Jake Epstein lovers will be pleased with the latest dump into the gallery. I've added screen caps of Jake's appearance on the 40 Most Go Therest Moments, Behind The Scenes special, Star TV, Real Access Up Close and Personal, Angela's Eyes, Degrassi in Kenya, and Girls V. Boys.

Posted on 20 Apr 2008 by Nicole
Bust A Move CTV Screencaps / New Video
I got a hold of a HD copy of "Bust a Move" and got cap happy. Check out the newest caps here. I received an email request for additional "Goin' Down The Road" scenes and I've added video clips that pertain to Craig's storyline. I should have additional clips for "When Doves Cry" and "Tears Are Not Enough" up soon. I also did some tweaking with the audio page. Craig and Ashley's sound clips are now divided into season.
Posted on 11 Apr 2008 by Nicole

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