New Look / A Request
New layout! Hope you all like it and the changes in navigation aren't too much of a bother. You'll notice changes in the side panel. I've included links to my photobucket account and that is where I tend to dump caps that I take from promos or episodes that aren't related to Craig and Ashley. I've also included links to my YouTube page where I, along with Joa from Sean and Ellie Online, am uploading the current promos.

There is also more Old School TNG and the-n promos added to the video section of the site. I've noticed that a few have been leaked on YouTube. Don't do that. If I keep seeing them pop up, I'm going to quit adding them on the site. If I wanted them on YouTube, I'd put them there myself. Please respect my wishes and the work it takes to capture them and get them up. It you want to share them with a friend, send them the link to my site. Don't rip it and take credit for it. It just makes me not want to share what I do have with you. They are there for us to enjoy here at since they do not exist elsewhere on the web. I know that I do not own them, copyright infringement is not intended, but I would like my attempt to bring them to the web be respected.

I've also added some new Crash music videos that I found on Dailymotion and YouTube. Please share any vids that I may have missed by posting a link in the tagboard! And please keep us all up to date with any fan fiction you happen to come across and would like to share with us.
Posted on 10 Jun 2008 by Nicole
Season 5 and 7 Screen Caps Added

I finally finished capping Craig in Season 5 and Ashley in Season 7. I don't have anything for Season 6 at the moment, waiting to get a HD copy of the episode. These aren't exactly happy seasons for our couple, but hopefully you find these caps useful.
Posted on 08 May 2008 by Nicole
Operation We Want Crash in Season 8!

Currently over at the angsty artists on fan forum, we are planning on a special project to send to the executive producer. We just want to let him, Jake, and Melissa know how much we appreciated the direction Crash took in Season 7 and let them know how much this couple means to us. The current plan is to create Crash's first collaborative CD cover/insert art. Manipulations of them in concert together will be included and I'm working with two other artists on the CD design so I'm sure it will be amazing. Inside this CD booklet, we'd like to include suggestions of what you would like to see happen in season 8. Please do a little gush about how much Crash means to you as well. This doesn't have to be lengthy as there probably won't be enough space. So please give a shout out here in my comments. We can hope for a plot line in Season 8 but if we don't get that, at least Jake and Melissa will know how memorable they've made this couple for us.

Ideally this project would go out by the end of the month so please comment soon! I'll let you see the final project when it's done! smile
Posted on 07 May 2008 by Nicole
Various Screen Caps Added
I finished capturing the season 3 episodes. Episodes included are U Got The Look, Gangsta Gangsta, Whisper to A Scream, Never Gonna Give You Up, This Charming Man, Accidents Will Happen, Don't Dream It's Over, I Want Candy, Our House, and Power of Love. I also captured the Season 2 and Season 3 DVD extras. Expect caps of Melissa and Jake's auditions soon!

Also added was some caps of an interview Melissa did with CW and a few of her appearances on commercials featured on The-N.
Posted on 28 Apr 2008 by Nicole

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