Season 6 Screen Caps / The Zack Files

What's It Feel Like To Be A Ghost Part 1 and Part 2 caps added to the gallery! I tried to include a variety so there probably is a little something for everyone here (besides for um, the Crash fans?).

And everyone welcome to our top affiliates! There's a new big Degrassi fan site in town, kiddies. It's run by Erin (aka dream943), who is a devoted Degrassi fan and is terrific with doing updates.

The other night I was watching some old Are You Afraid of The Dark episodes and somehow wound up catching a few of The Zack Files, which starred Jake Epstein. It's a cute show! If you were a kid of the 90's, I think you will enjoy it. Nick & Disney just don't make them like this anymore. I have absolutely no recollection of this series other than my brother was at the Disney age and I remember him telling me that it's like The X Files (yes, I understand). So, if you are interested, check out The Baby Jakey Files here.

Posted on 10 Nov 2008 by Nicole
Season 6 Screen Caps / Fan Made Extras

Working on getting season 6 caps up! Much thanks goes out to Joa of Sean and Ellie Online for taking the time to donate them. What's It Feel Like To Be A Ghost is on my mind lately and hopefully I can return the favor to her.

Hopefully something happens for us in Season 8, but if it doesn't, we'll always have happy Crash memories and can keep our faith alive with fan art and fan fics. I've added some new Craig fan fiction to the ever growing list and a few new ones on the Crash list. A lot of the authors are active, so if you like something of theirs please let them know. I'm a fanfic writer myself (What Was Left Unsaid) and I know how inspiring they are.

As for icons, starsprite (Jen), lalatina15 (Joa of the Sean/Ellie site) and I have recently made some. You can find mine here. Jen's Crash icon dump 1, 2, 3. Joa's can be found here. NoRegrets also donated some after our special mini and they are here.

Some music videos have also been added to our collection. If I've missed yours, please feel free to let us all know!
Posted on 06 Nov 2008 by Nicole
Cast Gushes About Crash! / Season 8 General Information
So last week there was a Degrassi Orientation Week at The Dot in vSide. Some of the cast members stopped by to chat. As usual, I had to ask about Crash because, well, is my mind ever far from thoughts about the powercouple?

In the chat bubble at vSide:
kaleidocat: Aislinn and Melinda, are you a fan of the Degrassi couple Craig and Ashley at all?
Melinda_Shankar_Degrassi: yess ! they were on my top list

kaleidocat: Action, you better work on getting me some Craig and Ashley sometime or you are going to have Crash fans outside of the studio with pitchforks and torches. =P
Action: I loves me some Crash also!
kaleidocat: We are convinced the whole cast and crew loves Crash.
Action: You'd be pretty close to the mark.

And someone asked Dalmar (Danny) and Samantha (Anya) if they were for Crash and Cranny and this was their verbal responses:
Ling: Manny and Craig or Ashley and Craig? What are the nicknames for them Action?
Action: Crash and Cranny.
Dalmar: Crash sounds cooler.
Samantha: Yeah Crash sounds cooler, it's got to be it guys.
Action: What I'm wondering is where is Crellie in all of this.
Ling: Because that didn't really happen. That was just a mad crush.
Dalmar: So the question is if I like Crash or Cranny...I think I'm going to go with Crash because I think a lot of people out there are for that.
Action: I am for that. A lot of the people here are for that.
Dalmar: And I'm supporting the people.

Sean and Ellie Online is currently supporting a petition for their couple of choice, so if you are a fan of Sellie, please sign it. While I was there I had to check for anything Crash and look what I stumbled upon? Remember those days? smile

For everything Season 8, be sure to check out the speculation and spoiler thread at Fan Forum. We have the most up to date info right at your fingertips! For promos, there's always ACESonline.
Posted on 28 Sep 2008 by Nicole
Media Related To Jake Epstein Added / Update From The Exec

A lot of new media added! Jake Epstein is currently in Dangerous Liaisons at The Segal Centre, for more info check out the article here. There is a video promotion of the play and I've added that here (or you can watch it at the site) and screen caps to the gallery. The Etalk special has also been capped and added to the gallery and I've put up a clip of Jake and Lauren on her favorite things Degrass here. There's also been some promotional images of Jake in Cinderella and Dangerous Liaisons in the gallery. Thanks to Kimberlli2 for the photo of the cast at the Etalk special for Linda. Thanks again Dream943 for the Etalk special with Linda!

For fan related media, I've updated the fan fiction list (mainly Craig-related fics) and the fan made video section.

And what's up for Craig and/or Ashley in Season 8? On August 30th 2008, the Exec reported that "Tuesday we start shooting the four-part special episodes, that will also be combined together and versioned as a two-hour movie... as already reported on some sites, it will be Hollywood-themed, and will feature Paige, Manny, Jay, Craig, Ellie, Marco, Peter, Mia, Emma, alongside many other members of the cast... as well as featuring some very interesting additional actors..."

For everything season 8 be sure to check out ACESonline. My sister site - Sean and Ellie Online - and I do our best to get promos to you ASAP.
Posted on 15 Sep 2008 by Nicole

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