Peanuts-inspired Play To Star Degrassi Leads

...Producer Michael Rubinoff is really playing the Degrassi card by casting four of the leads in his production with alumni from the wildly popular show Degrassi: The Next Generation: Jake Epstein, Adamo Ruggiero, Mike Lobel and Paula Brancati.

Loosely inspired by the iconic comic strip Peanuts, the free-wheeling satire was a big hit with New York audiences from the moment it premiered at the New York Fringe in 2004 through its opening off-Broadway the following year...
read more at or at the source. See a larger promo image here.

source: TheStar.Com
Posted on 09 Dec 2008 by Nicole
Jake Epstein in Cinderella (Media Mentions)
Cinderella, The Sillylicious Family Musical, Ross Petty's 13th annual fractured fairy tale has Adam Brazier and Dan Chameroy playing the Evil Stepsisters, Paula Brancati as the beautiful pumpkin-obsessed heroine and Jake Epstein her royal paramour. Runs Nov. 28 to Jan. 4, 2009. ($57-$77 at 416-872-5555 ). Elgin Theatre, 189 Yonge St.

...But best of all is the cast. I've already talked about how hilarious Brazier and Chameroy, two of the butchest men in showbiz, are as the evil stepsisters and Petty has never been more in control as the Wicked Stepmother. With his balcony-like bosom and shoe-polish black hair, you'd swear he was channelling Barbara Amiel.

Paula Brancati is a winningly feisty Cinderella, Jake Epstein the hunkiest of all Prince Charmings and Eddie Glen combines huggability and muggability in Buttons.

...To accomplish this, Dykstra and Petty have assembled a flawless cast and transformed it into an impressive piece of panto machinery.

To carry the love story that sits at the story's heart, they've recruited Paula Brancati as a thoroughly modern Cinderella, opposite Jake Epstein's rocking Prince George, both of whom shine. Perhaps the final testament to their skill is they can hold their own against everything this panto can throw at them.
Posted on 07 Dec 2008 by Nicole
Radio Free Roscoe Media / Jake & Melissa Mention on vSide

Screen caps from Jake's appearance on Radio Free Roscoe have been added to the gallery. Also included in this update is an audio capture of the song he performs in the episode Musical Influences. You can find that here.

Action (Degrassi producer) on what Melissa's up to lately, some news on the soundtrack, and Ling encouraging him to get our favorite pair onto vSide:

Degrassi Download on vSide: 11-18-08
Posted on 01 Dec 2008 by Nicole
Degrassi Soundtrack
Music From Degrassi: Next Generation is scheduled to be released on December 9th, 2008. My Window by Jake Epstein is listed as track 6! We finally will get to hear the full version without dialogue. Cross your fingers and hope that Melissa is singing back up. For more details, check out the CD at

Posted on 16 Nov 2008 by Nicole

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