Screen Captures of Jake in Quints / Dog Sees God leftovers
Baby Jakey! Remember Quints? Yeah, I didn't either. I have always had a very vague memory of this movie. My brother was at the Disney age when it first premiered, but I don't remember seeing Jake at all. The only reaction I remember having was SO MANY BABIES! They aren't as loud as I remembered. So if you want to watch it for the first time or the fifth, Quints has been airing on the Disney channel lately. Check out your local listings!

There's six new high resolution images of the Dog Sees God cast with the Spring Awakening cast. Check out other photos of the cast members at Spring_Returning's Flickr. Thanks to the super sleuth Joa of for letting me know about them.

And if you aren't listed yet, get signed up at Every Wish: The Craig-Ashley Fanlisting and be sure to follow the on Twitter and be up to date on site updates and promos.
Posted on 19 May 2009 by Nicole
Jake featured in Adamo's chat with Fabtv about Dog Sees God

Check out some screen captures of Jake performing in Dog Sees God in Fabtv's feature on Adamo Ruggiero as he chats about the play.

And be sure to follow www.craig-ashley on Twitter to be up to date on the most recent Degrassi promos and features here at the site. On my to-do-list this weekend: screen cap Jake in Quints. Any interest in seeing his scenes in video clips on the site?
Posted on 15 May 2009 by Nicole
Degrassi Goes Hollywood Trailer & Screen Captures

No need to break out the liquor and drown your sorrows yet guys. Let's hope that Craig at least mentions Ashley, maybe indicating that they are meeting up again. Hopefully in season 9.
Posted on 05 May 2009 by Nicole
New Images
Here's some promotional photos of Craig and Ashley on the Season 7 DVD set. Much love goes out to Jen (starsprite)!!!

Screen capture of Craig in Paradise City, which is also known as Degrassi Goes Hollywood on The-N.

Talk on the internet suggests that the movie will air in August on The-N and there's some speculation that it will air in July in Canada (possibly as a feature length movie?).

There's also now a Season 8 video section. Check it for the current trailers that feature Craig. I know, I know, I'm thinking the same thing. Where is Ashley? Let's keep the faith, Crashers.
Posted on 03 May 2009 by Nicole

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