Jake with the rest of the Spring Awakening cast at the Apple Store in Chicago 8-11-09
Posted on 24 Sep 2009 by Nicole
Epstein's Appearance on Much On Demand 8-27-09

Uploaded by Degrassi-Fans.Com.

A few promotional shots of Jake and the rest of the Degrassi guest stars on the August 27th, 2009 episode of Much On Demand have been added to the gallery here. Watermark intact of course, copyright infringement is not intended. Further back in the album is a few screen captures I snagged from the streaming video.
Posted on 22 Sep 2009 by Nicole
Degrassi Goes Hollywood Red Carpet Premiere Imagery / Jake's future on Degrassi
Is this it? Jake discusses his future on Degrassi with jewishtribune.ca:
As for Epstein, who only did a few guest roles the past few seasons due to his commitment to school, he’s not sure if the movie marks his swan song for Degrassi.

“You just never know,” he said. “It would depend on the circumstance and availability. I love the folks at Degrassi and since it opened so many doors for me, I never want to totally close them.”

read more at the source.

Hopefully that circumstance includes a plot with Ashley! The fans miss our Crash dearly.

Screen captures from Etalk & ET Canada at the Degrassi Goes Hollywood red carpet premiere have been added to the gallery. Check out shots of Jake being interviewed by Etalk here and by ET Canada here. If you haven't caught the video on YouTube yet, you can watch it at the fabulous channel run by degrassi-fans.com: Etalk Interviews the cast of Degrassi Goes Hollywood at the premiere and ET Canada takes their turn chatting with the cast on the red carpet.

Also a few screen shots of Zack-Taylor.Ca interviewing Jake on the red carpet can be found in the gallery here. You can watch the video here

Promotional stills featuring Epstein at the red carpet have been added here to the gallery.

And saving the best for last: Jake Epstein shouts out to craig-ashley.com and myself personally. Jake, you rock! xxoo, Nicole.

I still can't believe that Erin of degrassi-fans.com and Joa of sel-online.net did this! Thank you so much for remembering me. You girls are too sweet! I'm so thankful for the fans that Degrassi has brought into my life. I wouldn't know you otherwise.
Posted on 21 Sep 2009 by Nicole
Degrassi Goes Hollywood Screen Captures & Promo Imagery
Expect a Degrassi Goes Hollywood media related dump over the next few days. First up was snapping some caps of Craig in the movie (including the blooper reel featured on the DVDS). There was also some promotional imagery added to the gallery here from Degrassi.TV, but it's nothing we haven't seen before. Tomorrow I hope to grap some screencaps of Jake in all promotional appearances he made for the movie premiere (Much Music, Etalk, ET Canada, etc.) Lots of Jake! Then I'll move into the Spring Awakening media.

Degrassi Goes Hollywood screen captures at the gallery here.

Degrassi Goes Hollywood blooper screen captures at the gallery here.

Another extra, although you've probably already viewed when it was on ACESonline2 (before they shut us down). That's right. RIP ACESonline2. Greetings ACESonline3. We'll be on 4 by the end of the year.

A few screencaps of Jake in that segment have been added here to the gallery.

Be sure to check out the new ACESonline YouTube for the latest American media. Also follow them on Twitter. www.craig-ashley.com is also on Twitter tweeting the latest site updates and some extras from Crash Daily. Never forget Crash!
Posted on 20 Sep 2009 by Nicole

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