My Window
My Window is up for download at the music myspace.
Posted on 08 Apr 2008 by Nicole
Bust A Move Media Additions
Bust a Move aka the Degrassi Spring Break movie screen caps are up in the gallery. I've capped the On The Set for episode 714 as well. There's three versions of "My Window" in the audio section, each having varying amounts of dialog. Video clips are up of Bust a Move and the On the Set. So I was planning on making some sort of short version of everything Crash and putting that up. But I got all distracted and started making a video so...all in good time people.
Posted on 06 Apr 2008 by Nicole
New Layout / Media Additions
In spirit of Bust A Move aka The Degrassi Spring Break Movie that is airing tomorrow, we've taken on a rockstar inspired layout. I can't wait to bring you the audio from our Craig and Ashley performance tomorrow night. They've been apart for too long. But finally they are back where they belong. On stage and with each other. smile

Snoop around for some new media additions. As promised, the unscripteds are up. Jake in Girls VS. Boys can also be found here. Other goodies include his appearance on RFR. Pat's behind the scenes dvd (drunken ebay purchase) is also up and edited. There's plenty more. I can't even remember all the video that's been added. There's some old school commercials up - remember when the-n used to be awesome with their offbeat teen shows?
Posted on 04 Apr 2008 by Nicole

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