FASHION18: How did you begin acting?
MELISSA MCINTYRE: I began acting kind of by accident. Acting grew on me. It started off as an accident but a very good one.

F18: What do you like most about it?
Melissa: Probably the challenge. Acting isn’t second nature to me. Every time I do a scene, I find it difficult. I like working with other actors though.

F18: What would you advise teens who want to get into acting?
Melissa: For me, doing community theatre was the best experience. I met a lot of people and tried many different roles. It leads to bigger and better things. It can give you a sense of discipline and understanding.

F18: How do you prepare for a difficult scene?
Melissa: Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse! I go over the scene again and again by myself. For longer scenes, we usually have a discussion with the director. But we try and keep it fresh so it doesn’t sound rehearsed.

F18: How do you relate with your character?
Melissa: In the first season Ashley was more academic and then she started to get along with everyone. I’ve changed too since I’ve started working on Degrassi; I’ve become more bubbly. We have similarities in that we are both close to family and friends.

F18: What are the most challenging aspects of acting?
Melissa: Keeping it really natural and believable. It’s a challenge to keep each character as relatable as possible since they are going through dramatic situations.

F18: What has been your most bizarre fan experience so far?
Melissa: I find it all bizarre! I’ve had some people cry: it’s insane. There are people screaming…I felt like I was part of the Backstreet Boys!
